Journalism Committee
The Journalism Committee makes contributions to journalism programs or projects which improve the quality of journalism in all of its forms. We also support programs that defend freedom of the press globally.
To improve the quality of journalism in all of its forms, NBO Foundation has made modest grants to American journalism schools, investigative journalism projects, and new news websites for local communities and state-wide investigative reporting.
To defend freedom of the press globally, NBO Foundation has also made modest grants to international press freedom groups and organizations that protect and defend journalists under threat in civil wars and totalitarian states.
Use the buttons below to submit the related forms to the Journalism committee. Please be reminded that if you are a first time applicant, you must submit a letter of intent. Our LOI acceptance runs from November 1st - February 1st. You will receive a response by March 1st, and if invited to apply, grant applications are due by March 31st.