Education Committee
The Education Committee makes contributions to education programs or institutions that support educational opportunities for the economically disadvantaged. Examples of this would include after school education based programs, tutoring programs, college testing preparation (PSAT/SAT), college visits, internship programs, and college/financial aid application assistance programs. Preference will be given to programs that continue to monitor and provide support for their students after they begin college in order to stem the extremely high drop-out rate of disadvantaged first generation college students.
The NBO Foundation does not provide scholarships to individuals.
Education committee members will generally make a site visit before approving a grant. Therefore, geographic preference is given to projects and organizations within the areas where fund members work or reside in, namely:
San Diego County
New York Metropolitan Area
Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area
Central & South Florida
Use the buttons below to submit the related forms to the education committee. Please be reminded that if you are a first time applicant, you must submit a letter of intent. Our LOI acceptance runs from November 1st - February 1st. You will receive a response by March 1st, and if invited to apply, grant applications are due by March 31st.