Community Impact Fund
The Community Impact Fund supports underserved or disadvantaged populations in the following areas:
Disaster Relief
Sexual Health: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender programs and Sexual Abuse Prevention
Visual Impairment Services
Community Impact Fund members will generally make a site visit before approving a grant. Therefore, geographic preference is given to projects and organizations within the states and communities where fund members work or reside in, namely:
New York City
New Jersey
Lake Tahoe
The average Community Impact Fund grant runs from $3,000-$20,000. The Community Impact Fund typically makes a small grant to first time applicants for a specific project.
Use the buttons below to submit the related forms to the Community Impact Fund. Please be reminded that if you are a first time applicant, you must submit a letter of intent. Our LOI acceptance runs from November 1st - February 1st. You will receive a response by March 1st, and if invited to apply, grant applications are due by March 31st.