Grant Process
Geographic Area:
Foundation members will generally make a site visit before approving a grant. Therefore, geographic preference is given to projects and organizations within the states and communities where fund members work or reside in. (See committee pages for their respective service areas.)
Organization Type:
Grantees must be a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code. In addition, grant recipients must certify that they are not a supporting organization within the meaning of Code Section 509(a)(3). The NBO Foundation does not fund the following:
Private Foundations Code Section 509(a)(2)
State Colleges or Universities Code Section 511(a)(2)(b)
Annual appeals or capital campaigns for construction or new facility expenses
Fundraising or event sponsorships
Individual scholarships
Political activities and lobbying
Churches or other religious Organizations
General operating support requests unless the NBO Foundation already has an established relationship with the organization and the organization has demonstrated success with previous grants.
Committee Focus:
Each committee has an area of focus that they either require or are more likely to fund. (See committee pages)
If you have any questions regarding the qualifications or grant process, please reach out through email to nbofoundation@brownadvisory.com.
Step 1: Letter of Intent
For all first time applicants, we require a letter of intent. Your letter of intent will be reviewed by the committee to check if all necessary qualifications are met in order to qualify for a grant. If your organization is in alignment with our current funding foci, you will be invited to submit an application. Expect a response by February 28th at the latest. The letter of intent is only required for first time applicants.
Acceptance: November 1st-February 1st.
Step 2: Grant Application
Grant Applications received by the committee without a letter of intent or previous grantee relationship will not be reviewed. Proposals recommended by the committees are reviewed and voted upon by the Board of Directors. Decisions on the grants will be sent out on or before August 1st following NBO’s annual Meeting of the Board. Grants are typically for a 1-year period and applicants are encouraged to re-apply the following year upon the success of the program.
Acceptance: November 1st - March 31st Note: Applications received after March 31st will not be considered for the current year.
Step 3: After Action Report (Grantees Only)
The After Action Report (AAR) is the foundation’s way of evaluating the effectiveness and success of our funded programs and organizations. For returning grantees who are applying the following year, the AAR is required alongside the new application.
Acceptance: By March 31st of following year